- Mindfulness for Teens: www.mindfulnessforteens.com
- Center for Young Women’s Health: youngwomenshealth.org
- Young Men’s Health: youngmenshealthsite.org
- Go Ask Alice! Alice! is not one person, but a team. The Go Ask Alice! site is supported by a team of Columbia University health promotion specialists, health care providers, and other health professionals, along with a staff of information and research specialists and writers. Our team members have advanced degrees in public health, health education, medicine, counseling, and a number of other relevant fields. goaskalice.columbia.edu
- TeensHealth: Teens Health offers dependable, compressive articles, videos, animations, print publications, and health instructions for teenagers and young adults. Their resources have been viewed and used extensively for many years. www.kidshealth.org/en/teens
- The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people. www.thetrevorproject.org
- Protect Your Brain: An education and awareness campaign featuring videos that teach teens how to protect themselves from substance use disorder. www.addictionpolicy.org
- Family Tech:From blog articles to podcasts to live events, FamilyTech is the home for everything you need to be able to understand and manage the technology in your home. familytechzone.com